Sad! These 4 Smartphone Ways To "Kill The World", No. 2 Make You Very Sad - Mang Techno

Tech News Update

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sad! These 4 Smartphone Ways To "Kill The World", No. 2 Make You Very Sad

Can you escape from smartphonemu one day only? Most now people  would answer can't because Smartphones have become staple them. All sorts of things can be done by using a smartphone only. Open a Social media, play games, or surfing in internet are some that could be done.

There are many benefits of a smartphone. Starting from the communication that the more smoothly up to the knowledge that the more easily obtainable through a smartphone. But, do you know that behind all the benefits of it, smartphone can kill the world? How can? Let's see guys!
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Sad! These 4 Smartphone Ways To "Kill The World", No. 2 Most Make a Sad

1. The Internet is Damaging the Atmosphere

Atmosfer Bumi Mulai Rusak
You certainly know that the internet is controlled by the server. Well, in this server should work for 24 hours. If a few seconds this server does not work, then the internet can not be used. Know yourself right how it feels when it suddenly lost internet signal?

Having to serve for 24 hours, then the electricity used by this server are also great. Each year, the internet generates a 2% carbon pollution and produce 830 million carbon dioxide gas (CO2). This number is expected to increase 3 fold in the year 2020. Horrible right?

2. The suffering Behind the Smartphone's battery

Proses Penambangan yang Merugikan Sekitarnya
Smartphone batteries made from a mixture of Graphite, Cobalt, and Lithium. The three main components to make a battery that's obtained from mining. The mining process that is what makes many people suffer from, guys.

The mining of Graphite in China produce ash poisoning the air and kill the plants in the area around the mine. In Congo, the Cobalt mines using free labor with minimalsecurity. In addition to using free labor, mining Lithium in Chile is also damaging the nature and make the mine location not livable. GA expected right, guys?

3. Poison in the Touchscreen

Racun Di TouchscreenThe chemicals used to coat the touchscreen named Z-Hexane. This substance is highly toxic and can damage the nervous system. Many workers in the factory experienced a smartphone this substance poisoning due to inhaling in large quantities and for a long time. If you frequent dizziness, nauseaeasily tired and experiencing the interference terms, it could be you this substance intoxication.
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4. Toxic Waste Smartphone

Danau Racun di Mongolia
Probably many of you who do not know that the smartphone is highly toxic waste. In the city of Baotou, Mongolia, waste component smartphone poisoning a lake. In this city, saved 70% mineral that can be used to create the components of the smartphone. Unfortunately, the process of mineral components that use a Cerium substance poisoned Lake.

Residents around the Lake so susceptible to blood cancer (leukemia), migraine and arthritis because it so the source of drinking water. In addition, plants and animals also die so that people there can no longer farm and berternak. Horrified Yes, guys?

It's way of Smartphone to killing the world. Sadly not, anyway? 

Referention By : Jalan Tikus
Edited By : MangTechno

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