Often brings smartphones into the toilet? This is the danger of bringing Smartphones to the bathroom you need to read.
Technological developments are indeed made us to stay productive in any condition and everywhere, even in the bathroom though. Surely among you-all of you there are some who like to bring his smartphone to the toilet right? Whether it's to turn on the bathroom or when browsing songs when urinating.
As it turns out, bringing smartphones to the bathroom it's not secure lho! In fact it has also been proven by some research as well. This is dangerous if you bring a smartphone to the bathroom. Just listened to straight guys!
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Danger Brings Smartphones into the Bathroom

You definitely know lah if the bathroom is a place of the bacteria and germs right? According to WedMD, Salmonella bacteria, E. Coli, Shigella and Campylobacter are some bacteria that resides in the smartphone you can, especially if you bring the smartphone you into the toilet. With bacteria-bacteria, you are at risk of developing Viral Gastro and also Staph.
The Smartphone also become favored by bacteria as they often pull out the heat. This was the trigger for the bacteria to proliferate in the smartphone you and endanger health. What else people now also like to eat while playing smartphone right?
A study from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on 2011 also mentions one of the six smartphones contain material that dirty stool. Jason Tetro, an astronomer and author of The Germ Files also says if any microbes that can be touched, can breed in smartphones.
Stung By Electricity

In addition to the problem of bacteria that can invade the body you are slowly, there is a threat that can attack you. Like previous events, a smartphone that you take it to the bathroom can also be the best tool to hurt or kill you in the bathroom.
For example the incident in Texas where a girl has to answer his life due to electric attacks while using a smartphone that is being in-charge in the bathroom. Because of the many events of this kind, the Commission suggested consumer product Kesalamatan installation of a ground fault circuit interrupters in the bathroom and the kitchen, too. This tool can detect changes in electric current and used to protect people from electrical attacks.
Broken Smartphone

Not only dangerous to the body, bringing smartphones to the bathroom too dangerous for smartphones. What else in the bathroom there is a lot of water flowing and stagnant. You know if the enemy's biggest electronic goods are water, what else kalo smartphone you not anti air. Once water touches, Your Smartphone is Dead!
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End Of Word
That's some danger that you can receive when you bring your smartphone into toiletatau the bathroom. Kalo kamu affair in a smartphone doesn't really matter, it's good not to have to bring a smartphone to the bathroom deh ya. Guns want the right things like the above incident? We definitely do not want to reply.
Referention By : Jalantikus.com
Edited By : Mang Techno
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