Smartphone sales are experiencing a rapid enough peningkata these last few years. Smartphone prices vary, ranging from hundreds of thousands to a few dozen million dollars. The price is really fantastic, right? Smartphone like this usually includes upscale features. But, his name is man made nothing perfect, there's just less.
In General, the smartphone is already equipped with a security system. Only, the level of security between a smartphone with one another. Among the existing advanced smartphone on the market, the following 5 types of smartphones which claimed the safest in 2018.
1. Blackberry KEYone

Despite the popularity of the Blackberry is getting Dim due to the presence of Android and iOs, Blackberry company never ceases to innovate on the product issue. In terms of specifications anyway, Blackberry is still inferior to other smartphones. But, if it's a matter of security, its flagship Blackberry. One of the most secure Blackberry smartphone is Blackberry KEYone type.
Every time you want to increase performance, KEYone ensure smartphone virus clean of yours first. After that, the performance of the smartphone will come back as they are. With hook technology Linux kemel, Blackberry KEYone ensured safe from virus attacks.
In addition, the Blackberry also works with Android to boost security. Other technologies embedded in KEYone is a Privacy Shade. This technology is shaped small symbol on the screen smartphone that makes you able to use the KEYone points without being noticed by other people.
2. iPhone X
Apple's iconic brand has also entered the ranks of the 5 most secure smartphone in the year 2018. Recently, Apple released the iPhone X which make the Rookery. iPhone X comes with modern features that would make you happy to linger grasping the X.
If it's a matter of security, iOs dont need to doubt. Ranging from the traditional typealthough the iPhone is already equipped with a high level of security. Only, the security level of the iPhone X be in the uppermost position. To safeguard the privacy of its users, iPhone provides automatic updates. This update includes one of how to improve the performance of the iPhone itself.
The benefits that can be obtained from the iPhone X is the FACE ID feature. With this feature, personal data of yours will not be exploited by anyone. Since the iOs will request access FACE ID on the screen when the iPhone is locked.
4. Pixel 2
Furthermore there are 2 Pixels produced by Google. If I may be frank, this smartphone still has some drawbacks. One that is vulnerable to attack by viruses-viruses out there. But quietly, the Google has named trusted TrustZone software able to protect data of yours from the hands of the irresponsible.
5. Pixel 2 XL
In addition to Pixels 2 nih, there are also Pixel 2 XL. The second technology embedded on this smartphone is not much different. It's just that, Pixel 2 XL is a development from the earlier types so that feature is in it is far more sophisticated than the previous type.
Google party claimed both types (2 Pixels and Pixels 2 XL) has a high level of security. Google also promised to improve the performance of both each year through reforms that are provided.
Well it's her 5 types of smartphones that claimed the most secure in the year 2018. Again confused looking smartphone? You can select one of the types above. Indeed, the price of a smartphone above enough to drain the contents of my wallet. But it's a matter of security, type jagonya in the top 5.
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Edited by : Mang-Techno
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